Transitions: We’re exploring this theme through Miriam’s work. Today we’re looking at the most significant story of transition ever told: Jesus. Whether you have a personal faith built around the story or see it as mythical or historical, several of Miriam’s pieces speak to key points of transition in the account of Jesus’ life:
1. “Unto Us” (Pastel on board, 1985) depicts Jesus’ birth and the manifestation of a transition from the eternal Word to the Son of God and Son of Man.
2. “The Last Temptation” (Oil on linen, 2000) shows the final hurdle Jesus faced overcoming Satan before transitioning into his public ministry.
3. “Christ Enters Jerusalem” (Oil on linen, 1996) is the height of Jesus’ popularity as a public figure and the beginning of his transition to hated rebel eventually leading to his execution on the cross.
4. “The Crucifixion” (Pastel on paper, 1995) marks the end of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry, and an end to the order of Adam, sin, Satan, and death.
5. “Mary at the Tomb” (Oil on linen, 2004) testifies to Jesus’ resurrection and the transition to a new creation order.
6. “Receive the Holy Spirit” (Pastel on paper, 1990) portrays the moment when Jesus’ followers received the spirit he promised, transitioning and propelling the faith from local to global and from individual to everyone.
7. “The Last Battle” (Pastel on board, 1990) highlights the scene described in the book Revelation where Jesus returns to earth in his saints to overcome all their enemies.
8. “The Last Day” (Oil on linen, 1989) represents Jesus revealing himself in the earth to all people.
Miriam McClung is an artist from Birmingham, Alabama, and has been creating works of art in oils, pastels, ink, charcoal, pencil and everything in between for over 70 years. You can follow her on her Instagram account @miriammcclungart.