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"Each to His Own City" by Miriam McClung, 1997. Pastel on board. 47" x 35".

Pa Rum Pum Pum

There are three works in this unique series done over a period of 10 years depicting the story of Christ’s birth seen through the lens of Birmingham’s villages. They are meant to be shown together and are all done in pastels on a blue background with the Scriptures describing the story written onto the paintings

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Impressionist painting of a seated person with textured brushwork.

2024: A Year of Reflection

Mirrors are useful. They can reflect how things are and provide insight into where we’ve been. Artists have used mirrored objects throughout history to gain perspective on the subjects they are painting, especially themselves. You’ll even find mirrors in paintings employed as windows to look outward or forward as symbols. Most of Miriam’s self-portraits were

2024: A Year of Reflection Read More »

Two women chatting at a dining table.

Meet a major influence on Miriam’s art

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, we thought we should introduce Miriam’s mother, Ellen Maddox Jackson, and her impact on Miriam’s art. Ellen (b. 1904) was one of five siblings and grew up in a small town and farming community (Easonville) in central Alabama. Her brothers preferred hunting, fishing, and other popular outdoor sports, which Ellen

Meet a major influence on Miriam’s art Read More »

University of Colorado Summer Program 1955

What do Miriam, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning have in common?

It’s “Teacher Tuesday” — a day we’ve totally made up to explore the art teachers and influences throughout Miriam’s career. Let’s jump to 1955— specifically the summer between Miriam’s sophomore and junior year at the University of Alabama where she was a Fine Arts major. The University of Alabama Fine Art Department at the time

What do Miriam, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning have in common? Read More »