Art In-Depth

Dive deep into Miriam's individual art to understand the story and context surrounding them.
"Christ at Gethsemane" by Miriam McClung, c. 2000. Pastel on paper. 19" x 25". In the collection of St Simon Peter Church in Pell City, AL.
Transitions 9: The Garden

Facing a transition moment so profoundly difficult that Luke’s gospel account says Jesus’ “sweat became, as it were, great drops of blood falling on the

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"Great Is Thy Faithfulness" by Miriam McClung, 1998. Watercolor on paper collage. 48" x 38". Private collector. .
Transitions 8: Faithfulness

Transitions: Miriam created a series of watercolor-on-paper collages in the late 1990s called “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” based on a hymn written in 1923 by

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